
Organizer??? Not quit yet!

So I was featured on my friend's blog. Jill has a blog that gives advice on everyday organizing and cleaning. I love using her tid-bits. One of her great points was to use five minutes here and there to get some small messes dealt with.

I tend to have problem areas in my house that drive me crazy! But no matter how much I try to keep them clear it just doesn't happen. So taking her advice I started with a few minutes I had while I was making dinner and my husband was entertaining the kids outside. I cleared off a few areas  and let me tell you I felt so much better about the rest of the evening. I also had a lot more space to get dinner set out and cleaned up afterwards.

Usually, I don't have more then five or ten minutes to get much done. This has always kept me from really dealing with the small areas that get cluttered with extra junk, piled on papers, and kid stuff! Now I really try to utilize that few minutes when my kids are happy playing and go for it!

So when my tiny kitchen counter looks like this...
I take a few minutes and sort it out...

Get rid of the trash or old or expired and wipe the counter clean...
I even set out a plant to spruce it up a bit!

Now I know there are still things there and I haven't completely cleared the counter. First I have very little drawer space and secondly there are lots of things that need to stay out of little hands. But it is much more organized and clean!

I am really trying to continue to take Jill's advice and clean as I can...even if it is just a small 2ft by 2ft area. If you want to benefit from her help click here.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the kind words! You are doing awesome!!!
